Bald Eagle Telemetry Data

Adult bald eagles are not considered migratory birds but are seasonal movers to-and-from breeding territories. Their movement patterns reflect their distance to food resources for survival. Immature bald eagles, on the other hand, have been documented to have wandering movement patterns, not dependent on breeding territories. This period has been described as how they learn what is out there while finding food. The interactive map below displays data collected from 13 bald eagles over a five-year period.

Click around to explore the altitudes reached by each eagle, toggle individual eagles off or on using the numbered tabs on the right.

Bald Eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus


  • Habitat: Forest
  • Food: Fish
  • Once endangered, they have flourished under protection
  • National emblem of the United States since 1782

Special Thanks

  • Tricia Miller PhD
  • Conservation Science Global
  • Casey Halverson
  • Cellular Tracking Technologies

© Ryan Mitchell, Natalie Ferri, Bhagirath Bhatt, & Karen Zeeb